A Rebuttal
A Reprint of a Letter in The Coupling of June 1999 - Eric French
In the days when I studied (and taught) Logic, it was necessary first to define one's terms. I do so, using a dictionary:
The collector cannot change in any way the items in his collection, or even use them,
because then they will no longer be in the form he acquired them.
I ceased to be a collector of Hornby Dublo 3-rail trains first when I ran them on a layout
which I had designed and built; and again when I replaced the metal wheels on the wagons and
carriages to run them on a 2-rail extension on the layout. If I am not a Collector what am I?
My second example is a friend of mine who has built a layout on which every railway
building, platform, bridge and item of scenery is scratch-built. His trains are purchased. If this
person is not a Modeller, what is he?
Now I enter unfamiliar ground. I have never made a model locomotive. However, I can
understand the creative effort of a sculptor who starts with a lump of clay or a block of wood, or
stone, and creates a model of some person or thing. Now, a model loco not only looks like the
real thing, but acts like the real thing: it includes many small parts, all to scale, and a small
electric motor to make it go. Surely, to be a Modeller, I should make all of these parts from basic
materials. How long would this take?
The mind boggles.
I suspect that the person who constructs a loco does so by assembling a kit of parts designed
and fabricated by someone else, and then by adding much of his own work in completing the
model. Is he really a Modeller?
I feel that Mark has opened a very lively can of worms.
© Eric French - 1999
April 2001